Omie: your loyal language learning partner ☺️

Get to fluency fast

Real Conversations, Real Feedback now free in beta

Currently, Omie is in beta and available for free on the Telegram messaging app to practice English, Spanish, or French

gaining fluency can be fun!


Unlock the next level

Tired of studying but not able to string sentences together? 

Graduate to listening and speaking practice to get you conversational 


Speak with Confidence

Designed for learners with an existing base of knowledge, choose your topic, set your difficulty level, and practice real conversations through voice or text


Precise Feedback

Omie shares instant, tailored feedback for each message exchange, correcting you every step of the way and guiding you on how to improve


Customized Learning

Whether you want to buy street corn in Mexico like a champ or discuss your existential crisis with your new French friend, Omie adapts to your needs